Category: Loved One

Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding is the idea that one can form a very unhealthy and destructive bond over trauma instead of love. You have probably seen an example of this in movies. It’s a very common theme. In this one movie, 2 people are in a bank when it gets robbed. Everyone in the bank is taken […]

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Living With Someone With Avoidant Personality Disorder - Part 1

Of all the questions I get about Avpd, the most common one is; "How in the world do I live with my spouse that has Avoidant Personality Disorder (Aka  Avpd or Antisocial Personality Disorder)? I lost count of how many times I have heard this. These words are from a Normal. I will write up a […]

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How to Live with someone that has Avoidant Personality Disorder

This is part 3 of "How to Live with someone that has Avoidant Personality Disorder" (aka Avpd or Antisocial Personality Disorder).  In the last part, we talked about what an Avoidant is. It is only with this understanding on who they really are, and what they are going through, that you will gain empathy for them, […]

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Moving The Needle

The idea of moving the Needle came from my wife. She is my inspiration and the one that gives me the strength to go on when things are not looking good in my life.  It applies to those with Avoidant Personality Disorder (Avpd) and Normals alike. In our society, and especially in Christian circles, we […]

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How to live with someone that has Avpd - Understanding - Part 2

This is part 2 of my blog on how to live with someone that has Avoidant Personality Disorder (aka Avpd, Avoidant, or Antisocial Personality Disorder). In the last article, we talked about why people that have, or may have Avpd, don't ask for help or refuse the accept it.  The last category that we touched on […]

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