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2001 A Space Odyssey

2001 A Space Odyssey

This is an older movie but really illustrates well how the one with Avoidant Personality thinks and why they can't function.

This is one of those sci fi movies that will soon become science fact. In the movie, there is a computer called HAL. Hal is an artificially intelligent computer that has achieved what seems like consciousness.

Hal has been programmed to interact with the crew and keep them company as well and control all functions of the ship on its missions. In addition, HAL has been programmed with a hard coded function to never lie. It must always deliver factual information to the crew and never hide anything.

One day a mission comes up that is very hush hush. The mission is so secret that the people that have created the mission don’t even want the crew to know. They program HAL with a special instruction to not tell the crew the true nature of the mission. In other words, HAL is told he has to lie.

HALs original hard coded programming is to never lie, or keep the truth from anyone. These 2 sets of instructions are completely opposed to each other. It’s impossible to tell the truth and lie at the same time.

The result is this is that HAL develops a Psychosis. A Psychosis means that HAL loses touch with reality and basically can’t tell what is real and what is not. This is a lot like what the one that suffers from Avoidant Personality (Avp) goes through. One of the symptoms of AVp is that they hate people and fear them.

Human nature (The hard coding) is to love people and want to be around them. This means that the one with Avp both loves and hates people at the very same time. It's impossible to both love and hate people and both want people around, but due to fear, run from them.

The result is that the one with Avp develops a Psychosis and loses touch with reality.

We strongly recommend that anyone that has, or thinks they have Avp, as well as loved ones to watch this movie to get a better upstanding of Avp.


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