What is Avoidant Personality Disorder (Avpd)?

Written by Phillip on Jul 01, 2121

Imagine you are in a pool. Only this pool is not filled with water. It is filled with the most disgusting, most awful sludge you can think of. Like tar that is put down on roads before they throw down gravel.

You are completely naked in this pool. The very smell is so disgusting that it makes you vomit. The tar is the blackest black you have ever seen. It’s not a smooth black substance, but it’s full of lots of very jaggedrocks.

The rocks tear at your skin and open wounds. The very act of being in this sludge is unbearable. You can’t swim out of pool, and you can’t tread water. You can’t do anything to try to escape.

The only thing you can do is stay in this pool of sludge. Staying in the pool is such a vile experience that makes you throw up repeatedly. The act of throwing up makes your body convulse which causes you to sink.

Any movement at all only makes you sink deeper. It is as if there are unseen hands that are reaching for you trying to pull you under to your death.

There is no escape. If you stay in this pool, you will die. If you try to escape from this pool, you will die. The only thing you can do is try to stay as still as you can and just try to survive - day in day out, 365 days a year, year after year.

This is the reality of an Avoidant Personality. This is the reality of the day-to-day existence of someone suffering from Avoidant Personality.

The sludge in the pool is Major Depression, Severe Social Anxiety, Fear of People, Fear of Going Outside, Extreme Sensitivity to Criticism, Extreme Sensitivity to Rejection, Hatred of Oneself and a host of other symptoms.

The rocks in the sludge and the feeling of hands trying to pull you under is the feeling of Constant Criticism, Constant Rejection, and the Constant Feeling of Hatred and Judgement coming from everyone everywhere all the same time.

Avoidant Personality Disorder, (AVPD) is a severe mental condition that effects millions of people all over the world. It effects around 1% of the population of the world. 

1% does not sound like that many until you consider the population of the world is roughly 7.53 billion.

1% of 7.53 billion comes to around 75 million! That’s 75 million people that are suffering right now.

This makes AVPD extremely debilitating. Not only does the Avoidant not want to get out of bed, but they may not even want to exist. Living just becomes too painful to endure.

Symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD)

Here are just a few of the many symptoms of AVPD.

  •  Avoiding work, social, or school activities for fear of criticism or rejection. 
  •  Feeling inferior to others
  •  Nonexistent self-esteem
  •  Self-isolation
  •  Self-loathing
  •  Extreme hyper sensitivity to criticism
  •  Social anxiety to the point of feeling, or getting, ill when around members of the opposite sex
  •  Avoiding physical intimacy 
  •  Making excuses to avoid going out with friends or family
  •  Feeling like everyone else is better than you and you are worthless
  •  Feeling like you are the only one in the entire world that is defective
  •  Severe depression
  •  Fear or people
  •  Fear of going outside
  •  and many more

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